Tuesday, May 24, 2016

May Crowning

During this beautiful month of May, when springtime blossoms and we honor our mothers, it was most fitting that the St. Ethelreda students and teachers celebrated the crowning of the Queen of all Mothers, the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

The ceremony began after Mass on the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, which recalls the apparition of our Holy Mother to three shepherd children in Portugal.  Father Donald gave a beautiful homily about the importance of staying close to our Heavenly Mother by praying the Rosary and asking Her to lead us closer to the Heart of Her Son, Jesus.

After listening to students read prayers, poems, and petitions, eighth grade student Pauline Wisseh placed a beautiful crown of roses on our Blessed Mother as a pledge of our love as we sang lovely hymns to honor God's most faithful and obedient Daughter whom He chose to be the Mother of His Son. 

We pray that our Holy Mother Mary will always have a special place in the hearts and lives of our students and families.  Queen of Heaven, pray for us!

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