Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dr. Pelech and Mrs. Pass published in academic journal

Dr. Jim Pelech lecturing in 8th grade

As part of the St. Ethelreda School and Benedictine University Partnership, professors from Benedictine work with teachers at our school in order to improve student learning. Mrs. Lillie Pass, English Language Arts teacher and Dr. James Pelech of Benedictine have worked together for approximately seven years and have explored such topics as authentic assessment, problem-based learning, and constructivism. Most recently they have examined how middle school students think about their own thinking. Their research has been published in The Journal for the Practical Application of Constructivist Theory in Education (JPACTe,  This journal is a peer-reviewed journal ready by education professionals throughout America and Canada.

You can read the journal article written by Dr. Pelech and Mrs. Pass here:

"An Action Research Approach to Examining the Metacognition of Middle School Mathematics Students" 

Congratulations to Dr. Pelech and Mrs. Pass on their publication!

Dr. Jim Pelech (Benedictine University) and Mrs. Pass (8th grade teacher, St. Ethelreda)


  1. Very impressive. Your students are blessed.

  2. Thanks for sharing with us.
    Mrs. Kim Leonard
    3rd Grade
