Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Welcome to Mr. Fullerton, our new Music Teacher

by Bill Krieger

We want to welcome Mr. Fullerton to the St. Ethelreda family. He is our new music teacher!
I was fortunate to get a chance to meet Mr. Fullerton and ask him a few questions.

Mr. Bill: Welcome aboard, Mr. Fullerton! How did you become interested in teaching at St. Ethelreda?

Mr. Fullerton: I actually grew up in this neighborhood. I lived literally, like, 3 minutes from here. So, I am very familiar with St. Ethelreda School.

Bill: What is your education background?

Full: I graduated from North Central College. I started as an Education major but changed that because my interest in music was so strong. I graduated with a Music Performance degree.

Bill: Music!

Full: Yes, I play tenor saxophone. I like many forms of music, but my favorite is definitely jazz. One of my favorite performers is tenor sax player Gene Ammons. I collect vinyl records and my goal is to collect his entire library.

Bill: What are your plans for music at St. Ethelreda?

Full: My hope is to start a band program here. I would like to offer band for grades 3 through 8. Of course, the first year will be beginner level, but eventually we’ll want a full band program. Even a jazz band!

Bill: Sounds fantastic! Welcome aboard, Mr. Fullerton.

Full: Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Mr. Fullerton! I am so excited to learn about starting a school band. That is awesome! Great idea!
